NetCE Course Offerings: Cardiovascular CME Courses

Here are two complimentary courses available to members of The Physicians Trust, through our online CME portal, to increase your knowledge of best practices related to cardiovascular conditions.

Website Article Healthcare Education

Even though mortality rates have declined across the country, one in every four Americans dies annually of heart disease. Identification, treatment, timeliness of treatment, and transfer to a higher level of care impact patient outcomes when cardiac symptoms occur. According to The Joint Commission, delay in treatment is one of the top findings in sentinel events.

Below are two courses available to you, through our online CME portal, to increase your knowledge of best practices related to cardiovascular conditions. These courses also shed more light on the American Heart Association’s national cardiovascular clinical guidelines.

LHA Trust Funds offers these CMEs along with many others complimentary to members of The Physician’s Trust! These courses are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). NetCE is an approved provider through CE Broker, Provider #50-2405, and will electronically report successful course completion to CE Broker.

Visit our website,, to access these courses and find out more about our complimentary opportunities for furthering your healthcare education.

Get Started Now

If you are interested in becoming a member of LHA Trust Funds, please contact Lindsay Minzey, Business Development Specialist, at 225.368.3828 or for more information.

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