Care of the Pediatric Behavioral Health Patient
The following material concentrates on the care of pediatric behavioral health patients. These guidelines provide screenings, scripts and education for healthcare providers, patients and guardians limited to the pediatric population.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Brief Suicide Safety Assessment for Pediatric Patients
These guidelines describe what healthcare providers should do when a pediatric patient screens positive for suicide risk.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Script for Nursing Staff
A script for nursing staff to help explain the condition of their minor child to parents/guardians.
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Parent/Guardian Flyer
A flyer providing information to parents/guardians regarding what will occur during their minor child’s behavioral health visit.
American Academy of Pediatrics: Mental Health Screening and Assessment Tools for Primary Care
This resource provides screening and assessment tools for primary care units involving patients with mental health issues.