Cybersecurity Online Resources
Online Cybersecurity resources are provded for healthcare providers to minimize the risk of a cyber security attack.
TokioMarine CyberNET
The LHA Trust Funds Tokio Marine CyberNET Support provides continually updated information, on-demand advice and a wide range of cyber risk management resources. This member-only toolkit portal provides access to legal advice, email alerts, webinars and comprehensive online training for risk managers and employees.
Available on our CHER Online Education Portal.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
The ONC provides resources in Health IT efforts and the promotion of health information exchange networks as a way to improve patient care.
National Cyber Awareness System
The National Cyber Awareness System provides realtime alerts, analysis reports and current activites in cyber security issues.
American Hospital Association: Cybersecurity
AHA provides resources in cybersecurity vulnerabilities for healthcare organizations.
TRACIE: Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Information Gateway
TRACIE provides resources in emergency preparedness for healthcare facilities in the area of cybersecurity.