Emergency Preparedness in the ED
The ED plays an important role in an organization's interdisciplinary emergency preparedness plan. Resources in this section are provided to support the ED's unique role in emergency preparedness.
Standardized Hospital Emergency Codes State of Louisiana
A quick tool outlining standardized emergency codes in the state of Louisiana adopted by the Louisiana Policy and Regulatory Committee in 2005.
2016 Violence in the ED - Norris Yarbrough and Sgt. Roger Barnes
Violence in the Emergency Department: The Magnitude and Impact
Norris and Roger discuss the magnitude of the problem, protecting patients, the staff and the public in the hospital emergency department; and how emergency department staff should deal with potentially violent individuals.
2016 Violence in the ED - Panel of Experts
Violence in the Emergency Department: Panel of Experts
This session will build the Violence in the ED: The Magnitude and Impact conversation. Their discussion is based on results of a recent survey that was conducted across the membership of the LHA Trust Funds and will be further augmented with open-mic questions and concerns from the members of the audience.
Topics include: Violence and Victims, The Aggressors and Causes, Triggers, Real-Time Experiences, The Aftermath, and Prevention.
2016 Violence in the ED Presentation
Click to view the presentation slides from the 2016 Violence in the Emergency Department event and expert panel discussion.