Recognizing and Diagnosing Human Trafficking
Healthcare providers treat many different types of patients and it is important to be able to screen and identify potential signs of a human trafficking victim. These resources provide tips on diagnosing human trafficking victims.
Human Trafficking Red Flags
A list of the 10 Red Flags of Human Trafficking. This is a great tool, created by the AHA, in a format that can be easily used for staff quick reference and pocket reminders.
Screening to Identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children: Guide
A guide to the tool to help identify children who may have indicators of sex trafficking.
Screening to Identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children - Tool
A tool to help identify children who may have indicators of sex trafficking..
Recognizing and Responding to Human Trafficking in a Healthcare Context
A presentation that specifically focuses on human trafficking related to healthcare provided by the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.