Medical Marijuana Toolkit

Therapeutic Marijuana (TM) is available in Louisiana for citizens who have a debilitating medical condition (DMC). However, marijuana remains classified as a Schedule I narcotic and is still subject to the oversight and enforcement of criminal, civil and administrative law and regulation by federal authorities. In addition, TM is not approved by the U.S. FDA and there is very little evidence-based literature available to guide or support its use even with the population who have a DMC.

This toolkit has been created to provide organizations with sample tools such as policies, acknowledgment and information on TM that will help in the development of organizational processes and policies. We have also provided links and information for healthcare providers to literature on the topic to assist with managing patients who may be using or requesting TM.

Identifying Medical Marijuana

Research has determined that marijuana can benefit specific medical illnesses. The following information describes the Medical Marijuana Program in Louisiana. It defines marijuana, discusses the packaging requirements related to the purchase of cannabis and its usage for designated medical conditions.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Medical Marijuana Packaging Photos

    Louisiana residents who use TM are required to purchase it from an approved Louisiana marijuana provider. The TM packaging must have the original label indicating it is a Louisiana product. These are photos of the Louisiana TM product produced by the LSU Ag Center.

    TAGS: Louisiana, TM, purchase, providers, product, Ag center

  • Mayo Clinic Marijuana Information

    This resource describes what marijuana is and its usage for medical conditions.

    TAGS: Medical, Condition, Resources

  • Department of Agriculture & Forestry - Medical Marijuana

    This resource provides details regarding the LDAF's Medical Marijuana Progam in Louisiana.

    TAGS: LDAF, Program, Louisiana

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Sample Forms and Consents

Louisiana requires consent for a physician to prescribe medical marijuana. This formal process involves the physician explaining information regarding cannabis. The following serves as a guide for outlining information on medical marijuana related to the diagnosis being treated.

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    Sample Caregiver Acknowledgement

    Sample language to develop an acknowledgment for the caregivers of patients who use TM while admitted to the organization. This language serves as an understanding between the caregiver and the organization that the administration of TM will be conducted appropriately and according to Louisiana law.

    TAGS: language, caregiver, TM, Administration, understanding, Law

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    Sample Therapeutic Marijuana Patient Consent

    Sample patient consent to treatment with TM. This policy is most applicable to the physician office practice where the physician has been approved by LSBME to recommend TM. This language can be customized for your organization. The policy outlines side effects, risks and other important information regarding the medication.

    TAGS: LSBME, TM, Physician, Practice, language, Risk, side effect, Medication

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