Wound Prevention Tools
Prevention of wounds is the best strategy for patient care. These resources offer information on best practices in preventing skin breakdown in patients.
Pressure Ulcer Adverse Event Reporting Tool
This tool will help the Risk Manager evaluate occurrences which involve the development or worsening of pressure ulcers during a patient’s admission.
Pressure Ulcer Pathway
A checklist that can be used to evaluate pressure ulcer prevention practices. This tool assists your organization in determining if individual staff techniques are in line with current best practices in pressure ulcer prevention.
AHRQ Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals
Provides resources of best practices of multidisciplinary teams for wound management.
IHI Relieve the Pressure and Reduce Harm
Provides resources of pressure relief processes in an attempt to reduce the risk of skin breakdown.
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
Provides the latest educational products on pressure ulcer prevention.