Apply for the Workplace Safety Funds Grant

Safety and health hazards exist within all healthcare organizations. Strong employee safety initiatives are proven to help mitigate the risk of worker injury, potentially reduce claims, and improve staff satisfaction and morale.

That’s why LHA Trust Funds created the Workplace Safety Funds grant — to reward our members devoted to employee safety.

Discover how the Workplace Safety Funds grant works, find out if your healthcare organization qualifies, and get inspired by some of the healthcare facilities across the state that benefited from the grant over the years.

Does my healthcare organization qualify for the Workplace Safety Funds grant?

The annual Workplace Safety Funds grant program is designed to award LHA Trust Funds members dedicated to employee safety. Any member of the LHA Workers’ Compensation Fund who has a premium of $10,000 or more is eligible to receive the grant. You must be a member of the LHA Workers’ Compensation Fund to quality.

How does the Workplace Safety Funds grant work?

The Workplace Safety Funds grant program provides funding to complete initiatives to improve employee safety focusing on the areas below.

  • Safe Patient Handling & Mobility (SPHM)
    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) caused by patient lifting, transferring, and repositioning are responsible for many of the most common and severe workplace injuries sustained by healthcare workers each year. The goal of the SPHM initiative is to help healthcare facilities launch or grow efforts to eliminate the manual transfer of patients and increase patient mobility while reducing employee safety risks.
  • Workplace Violence Prevention
    When it comes to healthcare employee safety topics nationwide, preventing workplace violence prevention tops the list. This initiative helps facilities create a safer work environment for employees by raising awareness of potential threats and developing formal workplace violence prevention programs.

What are some projects that have qualified for the Workplace Safety Funds grant in the past?

LHA Trust Funds is delighted to support employee safety efforts in healthcare throughout the state through the Workplace Safety Funds grant program. Here are some of the standout projects that qualified for the grant in 2023.

  • West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital completed a SPHM risk assessment of their facility, purchasing an Air Pal system to improve safety with lateral transfer of patients. The new system integrates air flowing through a perforated underside to lift a patient off the bed, using a thick cushion of air to maximize patient comfort and reduce physical demands on caregivers during the transfer. This organization is continuing to push forward in this initiative by implementing pertinent policies, staff accountability and a Safety Champion program this year!
  • North Caddo Medical Center recognized the importance of training its employees in the identification and de-escalation of violence. Several staff members became certified Management of Aggressive Behaviors (MOAB) instructors in 2023 to extend their ability to conduct training within their organization. The grant also allowed the facility to invest in new handheld radios. North Caddo continues to build on strengthening their workplace violence prevention this year through continued training of staff and improved communication among security.
  • Richardson Medical Center used the grant to secure an electronic palate jack to ensure safe lifting for employees. The new technology will prevent as much manual lifting and promote safe lifting practices for staff members. Richardson is planning to tackle Workplace Violence prevention in 2024 and is preparing for an on-site Security & Threat Risk Assessment with their LHA Trust Fund Risk Consultant.
  • Park Place Surgical Center participated in two Workplace Safety Funds grant initiatives this year — Safe Patient Handling & Mobility and Workplace Violence Prevention. The facility completed both an SPHM risk assessment and a security assessment, identifying strategic locations for security cameras. As a result, Park Place purchased security cameras to improve employee safety and security within the facility. Grant funding also allowed the facility to invest in Medical Sleds for emergency evacuations. The technology allows one or two staff members to easily evacuate non-ambulatory patients to safety if an emergency occurs. Park Place is continuing their efforts on both initiatives this year to ensure safety of their workforce.
  • Allen Parish Hospital used grant funding to purchase workplace violence signs to comply with new Louisiana regulations. The facility also obtained a firearms locker and subscribed to Med Trainer, a credentialing, compliance, and learning system that provides continuing education for staff members. This organization has chosen to pursue improved Safe Patient Handling and Mobility for staff members in 2024.

These projects are just examples of ways healthcare facilities have used the Workplace Safety Funds grant and is by no means an exhaustive list. We encourage all members who are passionate about employee safety to work with our risk consultants to determine how your healthcare facility could benefit from the grant.

Apply for the Workplace Safety Funds grant

There are many benefits to securing the Workplace Safety Funds grant, so what are you waiting for? Apply immediately so you have plenty of time to complete the project prior to the end of 2024.

Ready to apply for the Workplace Safety Funds? Access our Participation Form to start the process.

Want more details about Workplace Safety Funds first? Read about the grant program tracks, goals, and more.