LHA Trust Funds Offers Unique Resources at No Additional Cost

At LHA Trust Funds, we offer a variety of employee and patient safety resources at no additional cost to our members. As an LHA Trust Funds member, you are eligible to participate in safety programs designed to improve safe patient handling, safe lifting, and management of violent or aggressive behaviors.

LHA Trust Fund members also receive comprehensive, personalized risk assessments that can be conducted on-site or virtually. These risk assessments identify and address potential hazards that increase your facility’s liability. Our healthcare risk management experts will work closely with you to create individualized solutions to reduce risk and improve safety within your organization.

Some of the risk assessments provided by LHA Trust Funds include:

  • Security and Vulnerability
  • Workplace Safety
  • Slip, Trip, and Fall
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Fall Prevention
  • Medication Safety

Additionally, our members receive unlimited consulting services, access to an online resource library, customized workplace training programs, educational events, and more.

Other resources we offer include:

Want to Learn More?

Download our Employee Safety Services and Patient Safety Services flyers to learn more about complimentary resources and services available to LHA Trust Fund members.

Contact your LHA Trust Funds safety consultants to start a conversation about how we can help you manage your employee and patient safety risks today.

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