The Importance of Early Disclosures in Healthcare
An early response and investigation are key to handling events. We want our members to know that we are here to help ensu...
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Health care providers consider it their mission to provide the highest level of health care services and patient safety within their communities. Over the past few years, violence has forced facilities to weigh the benefits of security enhancements as an expansion of their mission.
Facilities are now making decisions about the necessity of armed security guards on-site and their level of training. Many facilities have already utilized contracts with local law enforcement agencies to provide security details. While this is a great solution, contracts with local law enforcement should be written with care and thought. Law enforcement officers operate under very different policies and procedures on the streets that do not necessarily apply to a healthcare facility environment.
Consider the following incident scenarios:
A facility has contracted with a local police agency to have officers perform daily details. A 38- year-old female patient visits the emergency department for possible psychiatric evaluation accompanied by a family member. Before she can be triaged, the patient locks herself into one of the public restrooms. Facility management and security are contacted and bring the police officer on detail to the scene. The door is opened and the law enforcement officer forcibly removes the patient from the bathroom. The officer essentially carries the patient to an exam room and places her on a gurney with arguably such force that her arms were broken bilaterally. Who is responsible: the officer or the facility?
A visitor is engaged in a heated disruptive dispute with family members in a facility waiting room. The law enforcement officer on detail engages and disburses the involved parties. When the officer escorts the individual who was asked to leave the premises to the elevators, words are exchanged between them. The officer then tazes the individual. The family who had just moments earlier insisted on this relative’s removal immediately rallies to his defense. Who is responsible for this individuals’ alleged injuries: the officer or the facility?
Unfortunately for the healthcare organizations in both scenarios, the contract between facility and law enforcement agency did not contain any discussion about indemnification and defense, insurance requirements, training and educational requirements or the scope of the officer’s authority on levels of engagement.
Hiring outside security officers or guards through local law enforcement or a security company requires the same considerations. The contracts should be clearly written and specifically address the parties responsible for each type of duty, potential liability and defense exposures. Facilities should also assign responsibility to a designated party to perform background checks and ensure required training is completed. Local law enforcement agencies can be a resource to create helpful boundaries determining what guards can and cannot do within a facility.
Contracts with security companies and law enforcement agencies should be very specific to protect both the facility and the insurer from liability arising out of treatment and possible injury or death to patients, visitors and hospital staff members. The following items should be addressed in the contract:
An early response and investigation are key to handling events. We want our members to know that we are here to help ensu...
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View our 2023 Safety Star Award recipients and explore their workplace violence prevention solutions.
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