Staff Resources

Active shooter training is vital for all staff in a healthcare organization as they are the eyes and ears of the facility. These resources help ensure staff are trained and prepared to address violent/aggressive behavior/situations.

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    LHA-Sample Policy: Code Silver, Individual With a Weapon or Hostage Situation

    This sample policy provides a template for healthcare organizations to utilize while developing their processes to address violent events.

    TAGS: Healthcare, Organization, Address, Violent

  • Articles


    DHS-Active Shooter Workshop

    This resource provides training for different violent/active shooter situations.

    TAGS: Violent, Active, Shooter

  • Flyer/Sign/Poster


    DHS-Active Shooter Pocket Card

    This pocket card provides quick information on the profile, characteristics, and how to respond in the event of an active shooter threat or incident.

    TAGS: Pocket, Profile, Characteristics, Threat, Incident

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    DHS-Hometown Security Fact Sheet

    This fact sheet provides tools and tactics to help businesses prepare and protect their employees and business from an attack.

    TAGS: Hometown, Fact, Sheet, Employee, Security