Clinical Alarm Management Best Practices

Tools and information that are helpful in developing processes to support clinical alarm management. Organizations that implement similar processes are displaying characteristics of highly reliable organizations in the area of clinical alarm management.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    2011 Clinical Alarm Summit

    This report was developed from a meeting of multidiscipline healthcare professionals who convened to discuss the issue of clinical alarm safety. The report presents the challenges, priorities and actions to be taken surrounding the concern for clinical alarm safety.

    TAGS: Healthcare, professionals, Clinical, Alarm, Safety, Challenges

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    SpO2 Alarm Management Toolkit

    This resource helps coordinate an alarm performance improvement project related to pulse oximetry alarms in your organization. This toolkit walks you through the alarm management project from beginning to the final stage of implementation and gives recommendations for sustainability.

    TAGS: Oximetry, Alarm, Management, Project, Implementations, Sustainability

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    Statement On Principles For Alarm Management For Anesthesia Professionals

    This document sets forth policy and principles for alarm safety for anesthesia professions in the environments in which they care for patients. This information is useful when evaluating best practices in place related to the anesthesia professionals' management of equipment and alarms.

    TAGS: Anesthesia, Environment, Evaluating, Practice, Equipment

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    AST Guidelines for Best Practices in Alarm Management in the Operating Room

    Provides guidelines for the management of alarms in the operating arena.

    TAGS: Alarms, Management, Operating, Guidelines