Fall Prevention Toolkit

A toolkit designed to provide the resources necessary to create an effective fall prevention program. From innovative ideas from other hospitals to information that guides the development of effective fall prevention programs, this toolkit offers patient risk assessments, staff educational materials and resources to help reduce patient falls and falls with injury.

Fall Prevention Program Resources

A collection of resources to support a fall prevention program. These resources are comprehensive and provide detailed information from beginning of the performance improvement initiative through measuring the end results. Innovative and evidence-based practice ideas are offered to help an organization implement processes to improve patient fall rates.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Focus on Fall Prevention

    A publication from American Nurse Today in 2015 presents a successful program from the Patient Safety Center at James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital in Tampa, FL. The article reviews problems identified, patient fall risk assessment, fall risk precautions, creating a culture that facilitates fall prevention and a roadmap that outlines an effective fall prevention program.

    TAGS: American, Nurse, Patient, Safety, Risk, precautions, Preventing, james, haley, veterans

  • Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses - Fall and Injury Prevention

    Chapter 10 of the AHRQ book, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses, that focuses on Fall and Injury Prevention. This chapter presents a background and statistical analysis of patient falls and also gives evidence-based fall prevention recommendations.

    TAGS: AHRQ, Patient, Evidence-based, Nurse, background, Quality, handbook

  • Falls Toolkit - VA National Center for Patient Safety

    A Fall Prevention toolkit created by the National Center for Patient Safety that is designed to help organizations develop comprehensive fall prevention programs. This toolkit contains sample policies, performance improvement tools, educational videos and other resources that they have developed and used in the VA system.

    TAGS: Prevention, Center, Patient, toolkit, Policies, Educational, Improvement, VA, system

Fall Prevention Self Assessments

A concise, easy-to-use risk assessment, created by the LHA Trust Funds, to evaluate your current fall prevention program against best practices. This simple tool can help provide a quick snapshot as to whether your program is addressing basic patient fall prevention functions.

  • Assessment tools

    Assessment tools

    Fall Prevention Self Assessment

    Patient falls are one of the most common adverse events. This fall prevention self-assessment tool allows you to evaluate your organization’s current practices against best practices to prevent falls. The tool is designed to help you assess the overall program from unit level interventions to overall data collection.

    TAGS: Patient, Evaluate, Organization, Prevention, Fall, Interventions

  • Checklists


    Slip Trip Fall Prevention Checklist

    A checklist to help the risk manager or safety director identify hazards that lead to slips, trips, and falls. The items in the checklist are designed around common causes of visitor falls within and outside of an organization. Use this checklist as a routine rounding tool.

    TAGS: fall prevention

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Fall Prevention - Staff Resources

Staff members should be aware of things that contribute to patient falls and how to implement fall prevention strategies. Resources in this section are recommended as staff educational materials to help prepare staff to help reduce patient fall rates.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Sentinel Event Alert: Preventing Falls and Fall-Related Injuries in Healthcare Facilities

    This Sentinel Event Alert, published by The Joint Commission in 2015, summarizes the contributing factors with patient falls and fall-related injuries from events submitted to their Sentinel Event database. The alert offers common root causes and recommendations to prevent patient falls in the hospital acute care setting.

    TAGS: Joint, Commission, Patient, Sentinel, cause, Hospital, Care, recommendations

  • CDC – STEADI: Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries – STEADI Online Training for Providers

    A provider training guide from the CDC on fall prevention in the elderly population. These tools are perfect for physician office practices as they provide training for the clinican as well as educational materials that can be printed and used to educate patients and families.

    TAGS: Fall, Prevention, Physician, Office, Practice, Patient

  • Webinar


    Fall Prevention Strategies and Best Practices Webinar

    This webinar introduces key components of a comprehensive acute care fall program, discusses strategies to prevent falls and protect patients from fall injuries and identifies best practices for post-fall management.

    TAGS: Acute, Care, Strategies, Prevention, injuries, Practice

Employee Fall Prevention

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries. The resources in this section can assist an organization in developing a plan to reduce the risk of these types of injuries. Resources are provided by industry leaders such as CDC, OSHA and NIOSH.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention for Healthcare Workers

    This document published by the CDC and NIOSH addresses the top 10 slip, trip and fall hazards and also provides tools to prevent slips, trips, and falls in the healthcare setting

    TAGS: slip, trip, Fall, Hazards, Prevention

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    OSHAcademy Healthcare: Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

    A study guide to help your facility identify slip, trip, and fall hazards. This document will guide you on implementing a slip, trip, and fall prevention program to help protect healthcare workers.

    TAGS: slip, trip, Fall, Prevention

  • Checklists


    Sample Healthcare Slip, Trip and Fall Hazard Checklist

    Sample checklist by AM Trust Financial that can be used to evaluate your healthcare facility and identify slip, trip, and fall hazards.

    TAGS: Checklist, slip, trip, Fall, Hazards

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