Fall Prevention - Staff Resources

Staff members should be aware of things that contribute to patient falls and how to implement fall prevention strategies. Resources in this section are recommended as staff educational materials to help prepare staff to help reduce patient fall rates.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Sentinel Event Alert: Preventing Falls and Fall-Related Injuries in Healthcare Facilities

    This Sentinel Event Alert, published by The Joint Commission in 2015, summarizes the contributing factors with patient falls and fall-related injuries from events submitted to their Sentinel Event database. The alert offers common root causes and recommendations to prevent patient falls in the hospital acute care setting.

    TAGS: Joint, Commission, Patient, Sentinel, cause, Hospital, Care, recommendations

  • CDC – STEADI: Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries – STEADI Online Training for Providers

    A provider training guide from the CDC on fall prevention in the elderly population. These tools are perfect for physician office practices as they provide training for the clinican as well as educational materials that can be printed and used to educate patients and families.

    TAGS: Fall, Prevention, Physician, Office, Practice, Patient

  • Webinar


    Fall Prevention Strategies and Best Practices Webinar

    This webinar introduces key components of a comprehensive acute care fall program, discusses strategies to prevent falls and protect patients from fall injuries and identifies best practices for post-fall management.

    TAGS: Acute, Care, Strategies, Prevention, injuries, Practice

  • Webinar Slides

    Webinar Slides

    Fall Prevention Strategies and Best Practices Presentation

    Click to view the presentation slides used in the Fall Prevention Strategies and Best Practices Presentation webinar.

    TAGS: comprehensive, Acute, Prevention, Strategies, injuries, Practice, Best

  • Articles


    Fall Prevention Podcast

    This podcast gives a quick overview of factors that contribute to patient falls and offers recommendations for reviewing your current fall prevention program as well as ideas you can implement to improve your fall prevention processes.

    TAGS: overview, factors, reviewing, recommendations, Improve

  • Flyer/Sign/Poster


    Fall Prevention Educational Material - Brochure

    Use our brochure to educate your patients and their family members during hospitalization.

    TAGS: Medical, Patient, LHA, Trust, Educate, Safer, Hospital

  • Flyer/Sign/Poster


    Fall Prevention Educational Material - Rack Card

    Include our rack card at discharge to ensure they are prepared to go home.

    TAGS: Education, Medical, Staff, LHA, Trust, Funds, Patient, Prevention