Employee Fall Prevention

Slips, trips and falls are a leading cause of workplace injuries. The resources in this section can assist an organization in developing a plan to reduce the risk of these types of injuries. Resources are provided by industry leaders such as CDC, OSHA and NIOSH.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Slip, Trip, and Fall Prevention for Healthcare Workers

    This document published by the CDC and NIOSH addresses the top 10 slip, trip and fall hazards and also provides tools to prevent slips, trips, and falls in the healthcare setting

    TAGS: slip, trip, Fall, Hazards, Prevention

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    OSHAcademy Healthcare: Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

    A study guide to help your facility identify slip, trip, and fall hazards. This document will guide you on implementing a slip, trip, and fall prevention program to help protect healthcare workers.

    TAGS: slip, trip, Fall, Prevention

  • Checklists


    Sample Healthcare Slip, Trip and Fall Hazard Checklist

    Sample checklist by AM Trust Financial that can be used to evaluate your healthcare facility and identify slip, trip, and fall hazards.

    TAGS: Checklist, slip, trip, Fall, Hazards