Maternal Health Toolkit

Maternal health encompasses the health of the pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period in women’s healthcare. Healthcare provider’s goals in maternal care are to reduce morbidity and mortality by providing safe, quality services to the mother and her baby. This objective can be accomplished by identifying risks, educating patients and following recommended guidelines of evidence-based practice. This toolkit supplies resources to benefit in the improvement of maternal health.

Family Planning

Challenges remain in attempts to improve the reproductive health of the U.S. population. Recommendations for family planning and related preventative health services are availble on the CDC website.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Providing Quality Family Planning Services

    Here are recommendations from the CDC for providing quality family planning services. It involves methods for the development process of this program. Included are services for contraception, pregnancy, STDs and preventative health. A continuing education link is also accessible.

    TAGS: CDC, methods, STD, Preventative, Health, Education

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Maternal Care

We have gathered resources created by professional organizations that share established standards, guidelines, and patient safety tools. You can utilize these resources in your organization to reduce maternal death, hemorrhage, and other conditions that can affect women’s health.

  • Levels of Maternal Care

    A Document developed by ACOG to reaffirm the need for levels of maternal care. The goal is to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. It defines the standards of maternal care by classifying them into primary care, specialty care, subspecialty care and regional perinatal and healthcare centers. This document discusses accredited birth centers, considerations, implementation and monitoring of maternal health.

    TAGS: documented, ACOG, Goals, morbidity, Health, Healthcare, specialty

  • Patient Safety Tools

    Interactive resources are available, consisting of PDFs, presentations and directions on severe maternal events. Provided sources include a summary of event forms and review processes for events as recommended by CMS Patient and Clinical Summary Guidelines.

    TAGS: PDF, Clinical, summary, Guidelines, CMS, Patient, presentations, directions

  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - FAQs

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists patient resources on maternal care comprise materials related to coronavirus and women’s healthcare, contraception, gynecological problems, labor, delivery and postpartum care, pregnancy, special procedures and women’s health. It includes a multitude of information available in videos, through infographics and by frequently asked questions.

Perinatal Safety

The following information is provided to improve safety and decrease maternal and neonatal events. This information includes a guide for oxytocin administration, breastfeeding recommendations related to opioid misuse, and bundles for better maternal outcomes.

  • Guidelines for Oxytocin Administration after Birth: AWHONN Practice Brief Number 2

    A practice brief contributed by AWHONN that recommends guidelines for oxytocin administration after birth. The implementation of guidance is to manage patients who experience postpartum hemorrhage. It shares instruction for the dosing and administration of oxytocin, management of the third stage of labor, and suggested equipment use.

    TAGS: AWHONN, Management, third, stage, Equipment

  • Breastfeeding Recommendations for Women Who Receive Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorders

    Here is an explanation of recommendations to promote breastfeeding for women who receive treatment for opioid use disorders. It discusses the magnitude of the problem relative to national rates and trends of opioid use with pregnancy. It also presents the risk for neonatal abstinence syndrome associated with opiate withdrawal. Read the attached for management, guidelines and considerations linked to breastfeeding and opioid use.

    TAGS: magnitude, neonatal, abstinence, consideration, breastfeeding, opioid

  • Better Maternal Outcomes Rapid Improvement Network

    IHI is a leader in perinatal safety. Its work includes initiatives for better maternal outcomes. This network delivers education, improvement tools, public calls, articles and toolkits. It aims to connect hospitals and providers to improve outcomes to all. It is provided free to the public.

    TAGS: IHI, initiatives, toolkit, Improve, Public

Newborn Care

Attached are resources that pertain to the care of a newborn. The Apgar score is a tool that assesses the health status of an infant at birth and helps guide the future care of newborns. AWONN suggests recommendations on the power of touch between a newborn and mother after birth and appropriate staff training to proceed with this process.

  • Algorithms


    The Apgar Score

    An article provided to discuss the development of the Apgar Score. It describes limitations affiliated with scoring and the benefits it offers with resuscitation. The document states the score is a poor prediction for the future outcome of an infant. It is deemed as a standardized assessment tool for newborns.

    TAGS: poor, prediction, resuscitation, standardized, Assessment, newborns

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Immediate and Sustained Skin-to-Skin Contact for the Healthy Term Newborn After Birth

    A literature review pertaining to immediate and sustained skin-to-skin contact, which focuses on healthy full-term newborns. It suggests recommendations, including the allowed timing of these sessions. It concentrates on safety measures consisting of appropriate training of staff to provide this service. Massage therapy is not recommended due to insufficient data to support any recommendations.

    TAGS: massage, therapy, recommendations, literature, pertaining

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Maternal-Child Safety

Maternal-Child Safety includes toolkits to enhance and improve patient care. These toolkits identify risks and discuss how they can impact both mother and baby. Education, training, intervention and much more are provided to overcome these struggles.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Louisiana Substance Use in Pregnancy Toolkit

    The Louisiana Department of Health and The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services introduce The Louisiana Substance Use in Pregnancy Toolkit. This toolkit focuses on pregnant women with substance abuse disorders. Its goal is early identification, referral to treatment, and engagement by mothers and babies at risk for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. It assists with screening, interventions, techniques, documentation and much more.

    TAGS: women, pregnant, abuse, disorders, Department, Health, Children, Family, Services, introduce, neonatal, abstinence, syndrome

  • Maternal and Child Health

    This family planning program model has prepared three toolkits associated with maternal and child health. Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition and Family Planning Integration, Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Young Married Women and First-Time Parents, and Respectful Maternity Care. Education and training materials corresponding to the respective topic is unique to each toolkit.

    TAGS: young, nutrition, Family, Planning, married, women, first-time, Parent, maternity, Care

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Maternal Health | Online Resource Database

Attached are several online resources derived from professional organizations that take a vested interest in the health and well-being of women and children.

  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

    This website contributes support concerning clinical guidance, practice management, patient education, advocacy and up-to-date news on women's health.

    TAGS: Education, advocacy, women, Practice, Management, Health, Patient

  • American Academy of Pediatrics

    Visit the American Academy of Pediatrics to review health initiatives, professional resources, education and more.

    TAGS: Health, initiative, Education, professionals

  • Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

    AWONN's vision is to make a difference in the lives of women and newborns. Their mission is to empower and support nurses caring for women, newborns and their families through research, education and advocacy. Refer to the link below to review this informational material.

    TAGS: AWONN, women, newborns, nurses, caring, Families, research, Education