Risk Management and Compliance in Physician's Office Practices

It is important to proactively address potential risk and compliance issues in the office practice even though occurance is rare. These resources focus on terminating the physician-patient relationship, closing a medical practice and other risk and compliance issues.

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    Sample Termination of Physician-Patient Relationship

    A sample to help the office practice develop a policy to follow when the need arises to terminate a relationship with a patient.

    TAGS: Policy, relationship, Patient

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Termination of Physician-Patient Relationship

    Guidelines to follow when terminating a relationship with a patient as provided by LSMS.

    TAGS: LSMS, Guidelines

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Closing a Medical Practice

    A medical-legal guideline to assist a physician to close an active office practice.

    TAGS: legal, Assistant, Active

  • Checklists


    Top 10 Risk Management Issues for Medical Office Practices

    A quick list, with descriptions, of the top 10 concerns for risk management in an office practice setting. This list will help you focus on some of the most high-risk processes in your organization.

    TAGS: Highly, Risk, Organization

  • Assessment tools

    Assessment tools

    Self Risk Assessment of the Physician Office Practice

    A risk assessment for the office practice to use to evaluate risks to patient safety. Space is provided for description of the problem identified and development of a plan for improvement. The items in the risk assessment are based on best practices for risk reduction in the office setting.

    TAGS: Evaluate, Patient, Safety, Development, Risk, Reduction, Setting

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    Collaborative Agreement Template

    A template of a document that should be used for each collaborative agreement between physicians and APRNs to establish alternative collaborating physicians. Since most “organizational policies” cannot address each specific ACP for every APRN, it is recommended that the document provided be used for each APRN collaborative agreement to designate ACPs. In addition, an organizational policy – including a blank copy of this document or whichever document you chose to use – should be developed by your organization to set forth that this is the approved document that should be used along with each collaborative agreement.

    TAGS: Physicians, APRN, collaborating, documented

  • Webinar


    Webinar: Liability Risks Associated with the Physician Consult

    A primary treating physician may consult with one or more of his colleagues for a number of reasons. These consults may be formal (which is documented in the patient record) or informal (a quick “second opinion”). The latter are often referred to as “curbside” consults. What are the duties and responsibilities of the physician who has been consulted in terms of patient care and consult documentation? Do “curbside” consults present any unique liability or coverage risks?

    This webinar addresses these issues from the perspective of risk management, claims and legal counsel with some actual case histories.

    TAGS: treating, colleagues, curbside, Liability, Risk, Management, legal, counsel

  • Webinar Slides

    Webinar Slides

    Liability Risks Associated with the Physician Consult Presentation

    Click to view the presentation slides used in the Liability Risks Associated with the Physician Consult webinar.

    TAGS: Webinar, Management, counsel, colleagues, Patient