Closing the Loop: Effective Processes for Diagnostic Test Tracking

Webinar Banner Medical Record


Keeping track of diagnostic testing results can be challenging in the fast-paced healthcare environment.

Failure to do so contributes to missed or delayed diagnosis, one of the top professional liability claims. It also has the potential to affect patient outcomes negatively.

Join our Expert Speaker Sarah D. Creswell as she discusses the clinical risks and patient impact of diagnostic errors and missed or delayed diagnoses. Learn the steps required to “close the loop” and best practices to ensure the process is effective.


Should I Attend?

Anyone interested in diagnostic test tracking, including CNOs, Risk Managers, Clinicians, Nurse Managers, Compliance Officers, Physician Office Practice Staff, and Quality Coordinators, is invited to attend this webinar.


At the end of this online presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the clinical risk and patient impact of diagnostic error and missed or delayed diagnosis.
  • Introduce “closing the loop” strategies to improve diagnostic test tracking processes.
  • Review best practices for diagnostic test tracking continuous (PI) projects.


10:00 am – 10:05 am: Speaker Introduction, Objectives, Disclosures

10:05 am – 10:20 am: Clinical Risks and Patient Impact

10:20 am – 10:35 am: Strategies to Close the Loop

10:35 am – 10:55 am: Best Practices for PI Projects

10:55 am – 11:00 am: Q&A

Continuing Education

Participants will receive 1.0 nursing contact hours from the Hospital Services of Louisiana, Inc. for complete program attendance. Hospital Services of Louisiana, Inc is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing – CE Provider #60.

CHSP/CPSO: 1.0 contact hours of continuing education credit toward fulfillment of the requirements of CHSP designation of Certified Healthcare Safety Professional & CPSO designation of Certified Patient Safety Officer.


Please contact LHA Trust Funds if you have a disability that may require special accommodations for this educational opportunity. LHA Trust Funds is committed to ensuring full accessibility for all registrants.

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Webinar Speakers

Sarah D. Cresswell

Patient Safety, Risk & Quality Analyst and Consultant

Ms. Cresswell serves the ECRI Institute as a Patient Safety, Risk, and Quality analyst and consultant.

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