New Security Technologies in Healthcare: Developing Tools for Evolving Risks

September Webinar Header


In this presentation, Bryan Warren discusses the use of new security and safety technologies in the healthcare industry, such as body-worn cameras and video analytics, weapons screening, biometrics like facial recognition, the evolving use of AI, and how such devices and processes might have unintentionally influence personal and patient privacy.


Should I Attend?

Anyone interested in healthcare security technology, including Risk Managers, Security Professionals, Directors of Nursing, Safety Officers, and Nurse Managers, is invited to attend this event.


At the end of this online presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and explain the function and application of new security technologies currently being implemented in healthcare facilities.
  • Discuss emerging trends in weapons screening and other AI-enhanced technologies and considerations for policies and procedures when using such devices.
  • Clarify possible issues regarding the use of such technologies such as impacts regarding HIPAA and other laws and regulations.


10:00 am – 10:05 am: Speaker Introduction, Objectives, Disclosures

10:05 am – 10:20 am: New security technologies in healthcare facilities

10:20 am – 10:35 am: Trends in AI-enhanced technologies

10:35 am – 10:55 am: Possible issues regarding HIPAA

10:55 am – 11:00 am: Q&A

Continuing Education

Participants will receive 1.0 nursing contact hours from Hospital Services of Louisiana, Inc. for complete program attendance. Hospital Services of Louisiana, Inc. is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing – CE Provider #60.

CHSP/CPSO: 1.0 contact hours of continuing education credit toward fulfillment of the requirements of CHSP designation of Certified Healthcare Safety Professional & CPSO designation of Certified Patient Safety Officer.


Please contact LHA Trust Funds if you have a disability that may require special accommodations for this educational opportunity. LHA Trust Funds is committed to ensuring full accessibility for all registrants.

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Webinar Speakers

Bryan Warren

President and Chief Consultant, WarSec Security

Mr. Warren is President and Chief Consultant for WarSec Security, specializing in healthcare assessment and training.

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