COVID-19 Toolkit

LHA Trust Funds has compiled a vast array of resources for healthcare organizations, patients, staff and families about the COVID-19 pandemic. As we go through the pandemic on a day by day basis, the following resources cover regulatory, infection control, environment of care, tele-health, liability, PPE, and other important guidelines on how to navigate the pandemic in the healthcare arena.


The following section provides numerous resources related to general, administrative, and regulatory requirements related to Covid-19. Materials include articles, letters, memorandums, fact sheets, toolkits, documents, updates, and bulletins to address many issues in multiple facets of healthcare during this pandemic.

  • Articles


    HHS Makes COVID-19 Data Reporting a Medicare Condition of Participation

    This article provides information on Covid-19 data reporting requirements as a Medicare Condition of Participation. Data reported to the Department of Health and Human Services includes many areas affected by Covid-19 and responsibility for reporting.

    TAGS: covid-19, Medicare, Reporting

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    ASPR TRACIE: COVID-19 Lessons Learned

    COVID-19 lessons learned from an emergency and preparedness response standpoint. It focuses on patient surge, safety and staff health, operational considerations, telehealth, hot topic, and future concerns. Resources are available for further assistance.

    TAGS: covid-19, Staff, Safety, Patient

  • Articles


    Joint Statement: Roadmap for Maintaining Essential Surgery during COVID-19 Pandemic

    The American Hospital Association outlines guidance to maintain necessary surgery during the Covid-19 pandemic. A list of principles with considerations is discussed in this article. These principles were derived in response to the CDC, and many medical specialties continue to allow safe, quality patient care during this ongoing pandemic.

    TAGS: covid-19, surgery, CDC

Clinical & Patient Care Resources

This section includes multiple resources providing guidance and up-to-date information from professional organizations such as ISDA, CDC, LDH, and many more.

  • Articles


    HHS COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Laboratory Data Reporting: CARES Act Section 18115

    Laboratory data reporting response to Covid-19 is a guiding principle to obtain comprehensive and appropriate data. The following are included: Entities required to report, Methods for submission, Required data elements, Data reporting and transmission requirements, Laboratory data reporting and Electronic health record.

    TAGS: covid-19, laboratory, Reporting

  • Articles


    COVID-19 Fact Sheets

    This site offers multiple fact sheets on Covid-19 prevention, management of sick persons, pregnancy, and age-specific considerations.

    TAGS: covid-19, Prevention, Fact

  • Articles


    CDC: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) Associated with Coronavirus Disease

    An official CDC health advisory on emergency preparedness and the response to MISC – multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. This document includes defines and provides recommendations on how to deal with this condition.

    TAGS: covid-19

Personal Protective Equipment Resources

Personal protective equipment shortages are a significant concern for healthcare workers dealing with Covid-19. The following resources listed below are to assist in maintaining supply and sterilization while following the required guidelines.

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Telehealth in the COVID-19 World

Telehealth services offer medical care for patients in the safety of their own homes. Expansion of telehealth services was identified with the onset of the Coronavirus. The following resources include steps, guides, a playbook, and many materials to help healthcare workers implement this service, provide answers to the challenges confronted, and see the benefits involved.

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    AMA: Telehealth Implementation Playbook

    A step by step approach to implementing telehealth. This playbook includes timelines, checklists, workflow charts, and multiple resources to institute telemedicine services.

    TAGS: covid-19, telehealth, telemedicine

  • Policy Templates

    Policy Templates

    LHA Trust Funds-Telemedicine Consent Form

    Patient consent for telemedicine is an important component of a telemedicine program as well as a requirement in the state of Louisiana. During this time of COVID-19 pandemic telemedicine use has escalated and many visits that would normally be done in person are being done via telemedicine. Consent revisions are recommended at this time to ensure that patients understand the current public health order to transition from in-person visits to telemedicine. This comprehensive patient consent includes language related to the emergency order to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

    TAGS: covid-19, telemedicine

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    CMS-General Provider Telehealth and Telemedicine Tool Kit

    A toolkit for general providers includes policies, waivers, guides, technical assistance, articles, vendors, and resources.

    TAGS: covid-19, telehealth

Liability in the World of COVID-19

Personal liability is always a concern in today's world when caring for others. The following information reviews terms, requirements, and provisions for staff to maintain while performing within the appropriate scope of practice when faced with a pandemic.

  • Articles


    Use Of Nurse Practitioners In The Emergency Department During A Public Health Emergency

    The Louisiana State Board of Nursing reviews advanced practice registered nurses' requirements in the emergency department during a pandemic. The terms set by the Louisiana Department of Health discuss out-of-state practice and duties performed within the emergency department.

    TAGS: covid-19, emergency department, LDH

  • Articles


    Coverage for Medical Volunteers

    This article reviews the Louisiana statutes on limited liability during a state of a public health emergency. It also examines the Federal Cares Act and exceptions to the rule.

    TAGS: covid-19

  • Articles


    Liability And Postponing Procedures

    LHA Trust Funds provides information that discusses the liability associated with postponing procedures, exceptions to this notice, and how the importance of documentation to justify this decision.

    TAGS: covid-19

Maintaining and Reopening Healthcare Services

Providing continued service to patients with the expectation of surges and concerns of ongoing safety is one of the challenges healthcare professionals encountered during this pandemic. The following materials provide guidance, toolkits, and action plans on how to overcome these obstacles.

  • Articles


    AMA: A Physicians Practice Guide To Reopening

    A guide to allow physicians to continue office practice that provides tips on maintaining safety, implementing adjustments to support processes to provide care, screening patients and includes frequently asked questions.

    TAGS: covid-19, Physicians

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Joint Statement: Roadmap For Resuming Elective Surgery After COVID-19 Pandemic

    AHA, AORN, ASA, and ACS released a Joint Statement addressing resumption of medical and surgical procedures. The article breaks down each required component, discusses why it is important and offers consideration for each.

    TAGS: covid-19, elective, surgery, AHA, AORN

  • Checklists


    MGMA: COVID-19 Medical Practice Reopening Checklist

    As healthcare in Louisiana slowly moves toward reopening, there are many things that need to be done in preparation. This checklist from MGMA is an excellent resource to help guide a physician’s office practice in preparing to reopen to serve the community.

    TAGS: covid-19, Physician

Environmental Services Resources

Environmental services is an important role in dealing with COVID-19 since maintaining a clean environment is important to reduce the transmission of the virus. Guidelines are provided to assist healthcare organizations with their environmental services processes.

  • Articles


    Advisory: Novel Coronavirus EVS Advisory

    The Association for the Health Care Environment provides an advisory on the COVID-19 virus and ways to minimize the spread of the virus.

    TAGS: covid-19, EVS

  • Guidelines/Recommendations


    Strategies for Sharps Disposal Container Use During Supply Shortages

    Due to the high rate of vaccine administrations across the U.S., there may be a shortage in the supply of FDA cleared sharps disposal containers. This resource provides tips on ways to minimize the potential shortage.

    TAGS: covid-19, vaccine, shortage, supply

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Healthcare Facility Services Resources

Healthcare facility services are an integral part of the patient care processes. Resources provide recommendations on patient flow, isolation processes and emergency management and security processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Assessment tools

    Assessment tools

    ASHE COVID-19 Recovery Checklist

    ASHE provides an assessment tool for specific issues occuring in the area of facilities management as it relates to COVID-19 processes. It assesses the immediate, short and long term issues including inspection and testing, sustainability and the new normal.

    TAGS: covid-19, ASHE, Facilities, Management, inspection

  • Articles


    ASHE Issues Recommendations on COVID-19 for Facilities Managers

    ASHE provides recommendations for facility issues such as patient entrance and flow patterns, isolation processes, emergency management and security plans as we progress through the pandemic.

    TAGS: covid-19, ASHE, facility, entrance, isolation, Security

  • Articles


    CDC Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Health-Care Facilities

    The CDC provides resources on airbone contaminants, ventilation specifications and air sampling.

    TAGS: covid-19, CDC, ventilation, contaminants

Security and Safety During a Pandemic

COVID-19 has created chaos in the healthcare industry. The rapid spread of this deadly virus and a lack of resources compounded with the economic insecurity caused by stay-at-home orders has created fear throughout Louisiana communities. Healthcare security is of the utmost importance during times of uncertainty and fear.

  • Webinar


    Webinar: Healthcare Security in a COVID-19 World

    Healthcare security expert Bryan Warren examines COVID-19's impact on security issues in the healthcare industry. Discussion topics include the physicial and operational security needs of alternate care sites, proposals for additional security measures for patient care resources, and current indicators of security trends in healthcare facilities. Mr. Warren also explains how healthcare security teams are evolving to adapt to the newest risks.

    TAGS: covid-19, Security, Risks

  • Webinar Slides

    Webinar Slides

    Presentation: Healthcare Security in a COVID-19 World

    PowerPoint slides from the webinar Healthcare Security in a COVID-19 World featuring healthcare security expert Bryan Warren.

    TAGS: covid-19, Security

  • Checklists


    COVID-19 Vaccine Storage Security Checklist

    Healthcare security expert Bryan Warren provides a template vaccine storage security checklist for healthcare organizations to ensure the COVID-19 vaccines are maintained and administered in a secure environment.

    TAGS: covid-19, vaccine, Security

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Resources for Healthcare Workers

The healthcare provider is an important part of the COVID-19 pandemic. Without the healthcare workers, there would be no one to care for those exposed and diagnosed with COVID-19. Provided are resources to ensure the healthcare providers have what they need to do their job during the pandemic.

Workers' Compensation

COVID-19 in the arena of workers' compensation can differ in each state. Provided are resources to assist with the WC process when COVID-19 is part of the WC claim/issue.

  • Articles


    U.S.Department of Labor Coronavirus Resources

    U.S. Department of Labor provides resources on how to keep the workplace safe during the pandemic.

    TAGS: covid-19, Workplace, safe

  • Articles


    Workers’ Compensation Claims and COVID-19

    LHA Trust Funds provides information regarding coverage of employees under the Louisiana Workers’ Compensation Act.

    TAGS: covid-19, coverage, Workers, compensation

  • Articles


    OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

    OSHA provides guidance on preparing the workplace for COVID-19 that focuses on the outbreak affecting workplaces, reducing the risk to workers and job classifications.

    TAGS: covid-19, OSHA, Risk, Workplace

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COVID-19 Online Resources

In addition to the resources provided in the toolkit, there are many valuable online resources listed below.

COVID-19 & Hospital Liability: Gross Negligence and Willful Misconduct

This webinar will discuss legislation enacted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and address “Frequently Asked Questions” about these statutes. Attorneys Cullen J. Dupuy and Katherine M. Cook of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP discuss both the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act and the Louisiana Health Emergency Posers Act and the impact these acts have on Healthcare Professionals and Facilities.

  • Webinar


    COVID-19 and Hospital Liability: Gross Negligence and Willful Misconduct

    This webinar will discuss legislation enacted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and address “Frequently Asked Questions” about these statutes. Attorneys Cullen J. Dupuy and Katherine M. Cook of Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP discuss both the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act and the Louisiana Health Emergency Posers Act and the impact these acts have on Healthcare Professionals and Facilities.

    View Webinar

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